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6 Tips to Train Your Pet Dog

Are you confused how you should train your new dog? If yes, then don`t worry. Majority of people have no idea what to teach their new dog but there are a few tips that can guide pretty well from scratch what and how to teach them. 

April 22 7

Are you confused how you should train your new dog? If yes, then don`t worry. Majority of people have no idea what to teach their new dog but there are a few tips that can guide pretty well from scratch what and how to teach them. Scroll down and see what are the techniques!

  1. Give Him a Name


Whether it a child of a human or a dog`s child, we all want an identity to appear and sound different from others. In many cases, we want ourselves to be similar to living beings in our surrounding so that we can mingle with them but at the other side, we want our own separate identity. That`s why, your dog will come closer to you if you would give him a name. However, it is another hassle to find out what is the suitable name for your chipmunk; internet has the way. Besides, ask your friends and loved ones; their options will give you numerous ideas.


  1. Set Rules


Your new dog is not less than a kid who wants your response to understand what are acceptable and unacceptable actions. And setting rules is the ideal way to guide them and bring them onto the path of self-control and getting organized. For dogs, you need to to ask yourself where you could let them go and sit in the house and where they are not allowed. Once the blueprint of rules is in your mind, you have to craft ways to teach them. Although it will take time, your response will help them understand where they can move in your house. Suppose if you are fine with their presence in your lounge, then give them high-five to let them understand that they can sit there. But if you don`t want them to go into your bedroom, then use your finger and point out them to go out. Your actions will help them learn different instructions in their own way.


  1. Make a Den For Them


Animals and human beings have a few things common, one of them is the need for a separate home. Your dog is happy to live with you in your room, playing with soft toys and rushing around you. But at the same time, they need their own space and some me-time to recharge their social battery like us. That`s why, building a den for them in your lawn is must. After excelling at the first step, you need to teach them when they can go out in their den and come into the house otherwise, they would disturb you with their barks at the midnight and you would end up with yelling at them. And it will hurt them. As mentioned above, your actions can help them learn the timings.


  1. Your Pain will Change their Response


New dogs don`t know what you like and dislike; they use their different senses without knowing what is giving you pain but once they realize what is your favorite, they will modify their behavior fast. At times, they bite things a lot which is dangerous for you and people in your surroundings. Yet, the love they have for you can be used to change their habit. Instead of shouting on them, you can just pretend that their bit has given you a lot of pain. Your fake tears and sobbing will change their habits and you will get soft and loving dog the very next hour.


  1. Small Play


Instead of limiting them with their basic needs, try to teach them different things and play with them because they need fun. Yet, you need to teach them everything from scratch. Therefore, instead of getting them involved in complex games from the start, start slow with small and easy games like finding the thrown ball or catching their favorite toy. Taking them to the park for the play will boost their happy hormones and make them play actively especially when they see other dogs and animals playing so fast. You can teach them so many things by showering them with affection and giving them rewards. Suppose if they catch the ball, give them a hug and if they could not find the object you have thrown at them, don`t get strict. Instead hug them and find with them. This will bring you closer to them and make them more loyal to you.


  1. Practice Makes Them Perfect

Rome was not built in a day; everything takes time. That`s why you need to understand that your new dog also needs time to adapt to new behaviors and play like other pet animals of your friends. However, you also need to spend some time with them every day to train them. You can use different incentives to play with them rewards system to help them learn different things. Love can teach complex lessons easily; while punishment ruin everything.

So, these are six easy-to-follow tips to train your new dog. Your new dog is not less than a new member of your hose who needs your attention and time to adjust into a new place. Therefore, you have to be bit patient, acceptable and approachable to give them ground and flexibility to make a new place their home. 

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