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10 Fun Games To Play With Your Dog This Summer

As the days of summer come close, and the spring sun basks upon us, we feel the urge to head outside. And engage in fun activities.

May 22 12

As the days of summer come close, and the spring sun basks upon us, we feel the urge to head outside. And engage in fun activities. The same is the case without canine beasts, you have kept them long enough in the kennel/ dog house and it is about time to cut them some slack.

If you get yourself a pup and it is growing, you will observe its unique personality unfolding. You will get to know about the type of activities your dog loves the most. It is not only about making the dogs happy but it also helps with mental stimulation and making them stronger by exercising their muscles. It can also be your way of staying healthy and staying in shape. 

But games are not about just exercise, they are about having fun and as long as that is happening by literal definition, you are good. 

In today`s article, we will be shedding light on some fun game ideas that you can play with your furry friend, boosting their intellect, muscles and the bond shared among each other.

Tug Of War

It seems intuitive or something instilled in the canine beasts to be competitive, especially when the other person is trying to take it away. This might sound typical yet it is the easiest game to engineer and have some fun out in the open. Using a rope is the ideal thing to do with the tug of war. It can also be played with stuffed toys but make sure to throw away the toy as it rips apart to avoid ingestion of plushies and strings. My recommendation would be to go for a durable rope instead of opting for stuffed toys as they can withhold the tension.

A Fire Water Course

Ever played the game where the floor is fire and you can all walk or stand on the uplifted surfaces. You can recreate the course at home by engineering some items in your backyard using balls, seats, pools, tubes, etc. For your furry friend to jump from one place to another, or you can purchase a premade course online. The course is likely to boost the intellect and agility of your dog. 

Sniffing Competition

Dogs who have a knack for scrounging and sniffing are going to love this game. Hiding their favorite toys in different places is one way to play this game and rewarding them with a treat every time they get it right. You can also opt to spread their dinner at many places covering the aspect of overeating while keeping the fun in it.

Have Fun With The Hose

This game is specific for the people who have a backyard or enough space to set up a pool outside regardless of the size of the pool. You can throw several toys in the pool. Every dog loves a good little swim, especially in the heat of the summer. If pools are not your thing, spraying them with water is always going to bring your furry friend joy and keep you entertained.

Hide And Seek

Most dogs are familiar with the scent of their pet owners. This is why you will always find them wiggling their tails every time you show up at the doorstep. You can use this to your advantage and hide out in different places while actively indulging them to seek you out. Involve your family and friends to make the game more fun. Rewarding them with treats every time they seek someone out is a great way to make them familiar with the game.


A trend that was started by Suzi Teitelman in 2001 has gained immense popularity over the years, especially in the yoga community. Dog yoga or otherwise termed doga has been going up in numbers due to pet owners` busy schedules. Busy working individuals found it a way fun to stay fit, healthy, and mobile while enjoying the company of their dogs. And who knew that it would turn out to be just as great for dogs` mobility and well-being.

Chasing Bubbles

Think of your dogs with the mindset of toddlers. But regardless of which age group you belong to, the love for bubbles is never-ending and you always find yourself chasing them or just watching them from far apart. Likewise is the case with dogs. You would find them jumping and chasing the bubbles, trying to catch them. The game is very wholesome, just make sure to make the mixture with dog-friendly products or head to chewy if you can not find a recipe for yourself.

The Pole Game

This is an addictive game in which a dog treat or toy is attached to the end of the fishing rod type thing and it can be thrown at a distance for your dog to fetch. It means minimal movement for you while your dog does the work. A perfect carry-on for camping or a beach trip for you to lie and let your dog do the work. Works great to control the behavior of dogs and can stimulate the dog`s mind and body. 

You can easily engineer it by attaching a rope at the end of a five to six feet long pole or get something of a similar sort from chewy.

Need A Soccer Bud

Dogs make up for a great teammate once they know how to play soccer though. All you would require is a clicker, some dog treats, a clicker, and an appropriate soccer ball that is proportional to your dog`s size.

Even though it is a bit advanced but with time dedication and lots of treats, this can be achieved. However, before teaching them soccer they need to learn the basics of clicker training, and what each click stands for. Once your canine friend has the hang of it you can move to soccer.

Place the soccer ball on the ground and watch your dog`s reaction to it. Every time they show remote interest in the ball, click at the exact moment and reward them with a treat.


Test your dog`s ability to understand verbal commands such as sit, stay, walk, jump, wait, roll over, come, etc. A treat is always necessary to reward them every time they get it right. Once your dog gets the hang of it, mix and play as long as you like.

Dogs generally and by instinct are outdoorsy creatures and summer is the perfect time for you as well as your canine friend to get out of the four walls. Reconnect and bond in the fresh air and plan out fun activities. To get necessary dog-friendly game items you can always browse through the catalog of chewy as they have a great collection of toys and a versatile number of treats for dogs of all types. Now that you have games and ideas, which one would you try out first?

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